Play. And....shameless advertising.

On and off I've talked about play on this blog.  Maybe more on than off.

I happen to find the topic completely fascinating - You and your dog; interacting in a manner that is interactive, rewarding and joyful.  Maybe using toys or food but often with nothing at all.   How can a dog person not be fascinated?

Indeed, so fascinating that Deb Jones and I ended up writing a book about it, titled "Dog Sport Skills:  Building Relationship Through Play".

That's the good news; a book is in the pipeline.  The bad news is that it isn't likely to be ready for awhile, as it is the second book in the series.  While written, we'd like to publish the first book....first.  Hopefully you're waiting on pins and needles.

So...what's a person to do while waiting?

Well, step in Tracy Skenlar from Agility University, who has asked me to teach an on-line class for her.  Any topic I like.  Obedience, relationship, Focus, etc.

And I picked play, because it is so completely cool.

Deb Jones agreed that I could use elements from the book to simplify my this class will borrow heavily from the chapters in the book that cover the skills of tug, food play and personal play (just you and a dog).  Thanks Deb!

If this topic interests you, I'd love to have you in the class.  While the working and auditing spots have been taken, there are observing spots available.  As an observer, you can do all of the reading, watching, listening and learning that you can hold.  Indeed, you can keep on reading for six months, twenty four hours a day.  Seven days a week.  Soon you'll be teaching me!

And when the book comes out?  Well, I hope you'll run right out and buy it!

But in the meantime, I hope to give potential players lots and lots of lots of help getting their companions to play and to interact in the most positive way possible. I'm putting a fair amount of time into designing this class, so hopefully you'll get your money's worth and then some.

Intrigued?  Check out Agility University; Building Relationship Through Play, at:

The class starts October 31st.  You'll notice that the class costs money; $75 for an observer spot.  And I usually just give it all away for free right here, which is totally fine and I will continue to do that.  But hey; I've got a couple of kids to put through college, so this time you'll have to pony up some money if you want to play.  I sure hope you'll join me!  If it's fun then I hope to teach another class in the spring - I have a totally different topic in mind:).


The Week in Tweets (18th November) | Some Thoughts About Dogs

[…] I tweeted two posts by trainer Denise Fenzi. One was on “Maintaining a positive attitude while ‘correcting’ a dog” and “Play (and a shameless advertising).” […]


Reblogged this on Climbing Up Into the Sun and commented:
I’m taking this course with Castle. I have long known that I need to move towards using more non-food play and less treats when training. Looking ahead to next year, and thinking about competing in agility with Castle made this jump to the forefront of all the various things I want/need to work on. Then Denise Fenzi announced that she was running a course all about how to play with your dog in a fun, rewarding manner for both of you. I nabbed a working spot… we just completed our Week 1 homework and I’m looking forward to Denise’s feedback on our videos (gulp!).


yes you can. It’s been running for about four days and there’s plenty of activity going on….good time to join!

Lynn Jackson

Oops, it’s November 4th and I just found out about this. Can I still sign up as an observer?

Denise Fenzi

If anyone here signed up, feel free to log in to Agility University now and “get comfortable” in the classroom. We’ll start assignments in two days:).

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