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Denise Fenzi
Nov. 14, 2011
Lyra - 13 to15 weeks - generalization
You know my doggy genius? Well, she's only that way at home. When we take the show on the road, she looks a lot like every other puppy. She's fascinated...
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Nov. 14, 2011
Lyra - 14 weeks - re-evaluating my plan
Here are a few things I've learned or changed in the past few weeks. I'm using more food. What can I works. When I call her into the house,...
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Nov. 12, 2011
Lyra - 13.5 weeks scent discrimination
She's a doggy genius! It took Lyra about a week to grasp the basics of scent discrimination. This video shows the steps I took her through: Take the food...
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Nov. 10, 2011
Why would any trainer....
allow their dog to hit them so hard during training that they were bruised? That's a really good question and I'd like to answer it. Some of you have asked...
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Nov. 08, 2011
Dog Trainer or Victim
Unusual day today. To give you some context for what happened, check out this short (8 sec) video clip from yesterday: I'm working on Raika's "drive with control". The training...
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Nov. 06, 2011
Lyra 13.5 weeks - play to work to play
Lyra has made great progress in her play and work skills. She consistently returns her toys to me - all types of toys including tug toys and stuffie toys. She knows what...
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Nov. 03, 2011
Lyra's socialization - the role of Environmental Cues
Someone recently asked me if I allow Lyra to socialize with other dogs. The answer is, “it depends”. With my own dogs, she has full access. Since my dogs do...
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Nov. 01, 2011
Lyra - Blending Behaviors at 12 weeks 6 days
When Lyra showed some proficiency at a series of small behaviors, I wanted to string a few together. I am starting by teaching her to pick the dumbbell up from...
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